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Clients often ask us “When is the best time to engage with a geo-environmental consultant on a project?”. And the simple answer is: “As soon as possible!”
But the more nuanced answer is: “It depends on the site”. And it also requires a clear understanding of how the language of project stages varies between architects, builders, consultants and planners.
We all know that unforeseen ground conditions are one of the most common causes of both cost and time overruns on projects. But ground investigations are a delicate balance between cost and risk management and the scope will depend on the project stage. Ground investigations do not come cheap but proceeding with detailed design in the absence of robust information on ground conditions carries a high element of risk. To add to the confusion, ground investigation, by its very nature, is a phased and often iterative process.
To help our clients navigate this tricky issue, we’ve prepared a summary table that maps the RIBA stages (as followed by architects) to the typical geo-environmental elements commonly needed for design and discharge of planning conditions. The table also links to the Environment Agency’s Land Contamination Risk Management (LCRM) framework. However, this table is not set in stone and the timing of each geo-environmental element will depend on the site setting and complexity.
For complicated sites, such as landfill redevelopments, heavily industrialised areas, or schemes situated over particularly sensitive ground/groundwater, a desk study and some initial intrusive investigation and monitoring would be advised before site purchase. For simple sites or standard change-of-use developments, a desk study may be all that’s required.
So back to the original question. When to get us involved? Speak to us as early as possible, so that we can help you identify and mitigate potential risks and advise on particular timings and requirements for your specific site.
To download a copy of the summary table, click on the link at the bottom of the page. Alternatively, we would be happy to discuss it with you in more detail or tailor it to your specific needs.
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